Chinese and Latin American think tanks dialogue: Lima 2016

21 December 2016

In November 2016, On Think Tanks, SinoLatam Forum and Universidad Católica in Perú hosted think tanks from China and Latin America.

The dialogue extended for two days during which think tanks from both regions presented their work as well as their organisations to their peers. Among the participants present in Lima were researchers from the China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), representatives from the Provincial Office in Jianxi, researchers from  Ethos- México, Universidad del Salvador- Argentina, CARI-Argentina and ASIES-Guatemala and Peruvian researchers from Universidad de San Marcos, the Centro de Estudios Perú China- Universidad del Pacifico, CISEPA- PUCP, and Escuela de Gobierno- PUCP.

The event addressed to issues of common interest: Governance and natural resources and international relations. The participants had a chance to present their work on these issues and work, in groups, to identify possible common agendas and lines of work.

This dialogue also presented an opportunity to reach out to a more general audience. Hence, two panels were organised:

The first one on “Social Policy and Demographics in China and Peru” which looked at demographic policy in China from social and gender perspectives. Panel involved Zhang Juwei from the Institute of Latin American Studies at CASS,  Carlos Eduardo Aramburú, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad Católica, and Jeanine Anderson, gender specialist.

The second panel, on “International Relations between China and Latin America” considered diferente angles in the relationship between both by looking the economic development of both regions, the growth of their middle clases, the perceptions and interests of China on Latin America, and possible opportunities and challenges for collaboration.

The panel was made up of Zhou Zhiwei  from the Institute of Latin American Studies at CASS, Javier Alcalde, PhD in Philosophy and Magister in International Relations; Jorge Malena, PhD in Political Science and Magister in Chinese Studies, and  Mercedes Giuffré, Magister in Philosophy and Political Science as well as a specialist in Chinese culture and politics.

This Dialogue constitutes the first step towards a longer term and deeper relationship between think tanks in Latin America and China. On Think Tanks will work with the participants to promote the organisation of a similar event in 2017. Do get in touch if you would be interested.