2013 is over. 2014 presents itself as a blank canvas to work on. I thought about making some promises or New Year Resolutions for On Think Tanks over the holidays. I came up with a short list that I want to share with you:
- Be more inclusive and global: On Think Tanks will continue to invite contributors to author blog posts -particularly from around the world. I like a good debate so all views, well argued, are welcome. If you are interested please consider submitting a post or becoming a guest editor.
- Take the initiative: It is fine to come up with good ideas but it is more interesting to try to make those ideas a reality. This year, On Think Tanks will pursue new initiatives focused on supporting think tanks -directly and indirectly. If you are interested, want to find out more about them, or get involved, here is a list of initiatives from the On Think Tanks Lab. I should note that these would not be possible without the dedication of key On Think Tanks collaborators like Jeff Knezovich (see the On Think Tanks Data Visualisation Competition), Vanesa Weyrauch and Tomas Garzon de la Roza (Politics and Ideas and think tank mentoring), Hans Gutbrod (Find Policy), the guys at Revista PODER and Prospect Magazine and the judges (the Peruvian think tanks of the year award), and many more.
- Continue to rock the boat: I believe that one of think tanks’ most important purposes is to rock the boat when nobody else is willing to; to point at the emperor’s nakedness; to break the consensus; think and suggest the unthinkable; ask for disbelief to be suspended -if only for the sake of argument; etc. The same is true for this blog. (And I think you agree with this: the most read post last year was the one that tackled the Aid Industry.) So if you ever read anything you disagree with please feel free to let us know. At On Think Tanks we are not afraid of, and, in fact relish, a good debate.
- Be an honest source of ideas and advice: The best praise and the best indicator of success is being told by someone whom I have criticised that they appreciate and respect my work. I know that On Think Tanks’s posts can (and will) make mistakes some times -this is not an exact science, after all. All I have to offer is honesty: that what is published is not edited or embellished to please any one interested (or powerful) party.
I hope to see you in more in 2014. Please sign-up to the blog, follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook Page.