More than 40 representatives of Latin American think tanks met in Lima between the 11-12th August to share new research and experiences.
The event was sponsored by the EBPDN, the Think Tank Initiative; and GDNet; and co-organised by ODI, CIES, Grupo FARO, CIPPEC, and onthinktanks.
The full programme in spanish is here and below is an outline of the event and key links to the resources (in Spanish).
Day 1 |
Panel: Lessons learned by think tanks in the region |
- Politics moulded by research: the experience of the Fundacion Chile 21. Eugenio Rivera Urrutia Director of the Economic Programme
- Navigating politics with a long term objective. Fernando Straface, Executive Director of CIPPEC; Leandro Echt, Civil Society programme.
- Bringing research and public policy together: CIES’ experience. Javier Portocarrero, Executive Director.
- Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana (Uruguay) Leopoldo Font Director General
- FEDESARROLLO and Colombian public policy: Using knowledge for public policy influence. Roberto Steiner
Panel: Financing and the media |
- The rol of the state in the financing of public policy research in Latin America. Martín Lardone and Marcos Roggero.
- The media and the use of public policy research in Latin America. Pablo Livszyc; Natalia Romé and INPADE –FOCO.
Lunch time talk: Research and Public Policy |
- Mercedes Araoz, a researcher is also a former Minister of Trade, Minister of Production and Minister of Finance. Also former candidate for the Presidency. [see her Bio]
Book launch: Links between Research and Politics |
- The links between knowledge and politics: the role of research in Latin American public debate
Day 2 |
Panel: Political influence during electoral periods |
- Influence during elections: Experience and lessons from the “Elecciones 2011 Centrando el Debate Electoral” project in Peru. Norma B. Correa Aste
- How to influence during electoral periods? Lessons from “Ciudadanizando las Políticas” Public policies, transparency, independence and social change. Andrea Ordóñez. Grupo FARO, Ecuador.
- Deliberative Electoral Strategies and Transition From Clientelism: Experimental Evidence from Benin Leonard Wantchekon Princeton University.
- Influence in electoral processes: a Political perspective. Santiago Pedraglio
Panel: Monitoring and Evaluation |
- Monitoring and evaluation of policy influence: it si time to get started. Vanesa Weyrauch, CIPPEC
- Evidence based policy influence -influence, monitoring and evaluation. Werner L. Hernani-Limarino Fundación ARU
Reflection and future collaboration |
- Conclusions of the workshop and suggestions for future collaboration