Electoral platforms: strengthening the capacities to influence the electoral cycle

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Project brief

OTT Consulting is supporting the Latin American network of think tanks, ILAIPP, to develop a series of reference products on strategies to influencing electoral processes.+

The project consists of:

  • Identifying and reporting at least 15 good practices in the region and globally
  • Identifying and reporting at least 15 tools used in experiences in the region and globally
  • Producing short dissemination videos and guides.

Project dates

From 03/2017 to 03/2018

The OTT Consulting Team

Funder and funding

Funding for the project is provided by the Think Tank Initiative via its support to ILAIPP. The project’s manager is Grupo FARO, a think tank in Ecuador and member of ILAIPP; and the contract is with Instituto Desarrollo, a think tank in Paraguay and member of ILAIPP.

Total budget is USD18,000.00

On Think Tanks is contributing to this project by producing the dissemination videos and an english version of the best practices and tools. This contribution amounts to approximately USD10,000.00