ГО “Український центр соціальних реформ”

NGO "Ukrainian center for social reforms" ‒ UCSR
Kiev, Ukraine

The scientific outputs of the UCSR include complex long-term demographic projections, projections of economically active populations, estimation of the demo-economic potential of the Ukraine, researches of labour migration, including non-registered one, Ukrainian investigation of poverty, development of methodical approaches to social stratification of the population, investigation of inequality and incomes distributions, estimation of efficiency of privileges and social benefits, modeling of the state support of the poor population with purpose of raising of efficiency of social security system, complex analysis of self-employment in the Ukraine, demographic and health study of Ukraine, Ukraine national child labour survey, school to work transition survey for young people in Ukraine, Analyzes of the impact of the conflict in eastern Ukraine on the economy and socio-economic status and viability in East Ukraine, Response to the acute humanitarian needs of most vulnerable women and adolescent girls affected by the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. The main methodical innovations include: methods of poverty estimation, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, methods of the regional human development estimation, approved by the joint session of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, methods of integral estimation of unemployment; model of the mandatory pension system.

Contact details

Ukraine, 01032, Kyiv, blvd. T. Shevchenko, 60, of. 810, Kiev, Ukraine


Eastern Europe

Areas of focus

Geographics of focus
Operating languages
English , Russian , Ukrainian

Organisation details

Business model
Institutional affiliations
Other affiliation
Year founded
Age (years)
ГО “Український центр соціальних реформ”
Ukraine average
Global average
Founded by
Founders: Ella Libanova, Nataliya Vlasenko, Oleksiy Pozniak, Olena Makarova, Liudmyla Cerenko, Soldatenko M
Founder gender: Both male & female co-founders
Leader(s) (2024): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2023): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2022): Ella Libanova
Leader gender: Female
Staff size
ГО “Український центр соціальних реформ”
Ukraine average
Global average
ГО “Український центр соціальних реформ”

Organisational performance

ГО “Український центр соціальних реформ”
Ukraine average
Global average
ГО “Український центр соціальних реформ”
Ukraine average
Global average

Data notes

Last updated: 06/03/2024
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : OTT reviewed
Data sources consulted: Information supplied by organisation, Organisation´s website, Suggested by Multilateral Organisation experts
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