The Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES) is an NGO dedicated to achieving sustainable development and social justice in the society. It broadly engages the general public and experts in research, policy advocacy, and awareness-raising to promote social and environmental justice in Japan and beyond. JACSES' activities are centered around the Sustainable Development and Aid Program (SDAP), which is aimed at improving Japanese government's development aid projects in developing countries; the Green Tax Reform, which advocates the introduction of fiscal instruments to address environmental problems, as well as the integration of environmental concerns into economic activities
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: N/A
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2023): Koyu Furusawa
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2022): Koyu Furusawa
Leader gender: Male
Organisational performance
Data notes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: Organisation´s website
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