The nonprofit Adam Smith Society is a group of economists, lawyers, academics and other professionals dedicated to the diffusion of free market ideas. Its main area of interest is the regulation of economic activities, from antitrust policies to financial markets. Its aim is to become a point of reference for people interested in Italy´s society ideas. The means used to pursue these goals include conferences, seminars, lectures and research publication. In addition to the related topics of privatization and deregulation of publicly owned economic activities, the society is interested in the analysis and debate of mainstream classical liberal thinking.
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: Other entities
Leader gender: Female Leader(s) (2023): Roberta De Matteo
Leader gender: Female Leader(s) (2022): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Organisational performance
Data notes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: Information supplied by organisation, NIRA Think Tank Directory, Observatoire des Think Tanks Directory, Organisation´s website
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