PROVIDUS works in the areas of criminal justice, rule of law and anticorruption policy, sound governance, and education policy. PROVIDUS is engaged in policy work in the criminal justice area, promoting alternative sentencing, assisting in the creation of a probation service, undertaking policy research in such areas as pretrial detention, sentencing policy, and police abuse and accountability. In education policy, it recently released a broad policy report on the state of education in Latvia, focusing on various management challenges: educational financing, tax policy, innovation, and other issues. PROVIDUS is engaged in anticorruption work, pushing forward proposals for a campaign finance reform, and designing new models of civil monitoring to reduce corruption. PROVIDUS also hosts a public policy website, publishing policy studies, in-depth opinion articles, and other relevant resources in such areas as the policy process, rule of law/corruption, education and employment, human rights, social integration, civil society, information society, and foreign affairs.
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: N/A
Leader gender: Female Leader(s) (2023): Iveta Kažoka
Leader gender: Female Leader(s) (2022): Iveta Kažoka
Leader gender: Female
Organisational performance
Data notes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: NIRA Think Tank Directory, Organisation´s website
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