The Peasant Research and Promotion Centre (CIPCA) focuses in rural development: indigenous peasant economy, organization and leadership; land territory and natural resources; rights of indigenous peoples, gender, interculturality, social and political participation. CIPCA seeks to combine research with action and work at the local level with incidence at the national level. In recent years, CIPCA has worked intensively with indigenous peasant organizations to help them become relevant actors in the process of legal and social changes in the country. Likewise, it has developed capacities to influence public policies in favour of the indigenous peasant population.
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: All male
Leader gender: Female Leader(s) (2023): Pamela Cartagena
Leader gender: Female Leader(s) (2022): Pamela Cartagena
Leader gender: Female
Organisational performance
Data notes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : OTT reviewed
Data sources consulted: Organisation´s website
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