CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)

Brussels, Belgium

Founded in Brussels in 1983, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is among the most experienced and authoritative think tanks operating in the European Union today. CEPS serves as a leading forum for debate on EU affairs, but its most distinguishing feature lies in its strong in-house research capacity, complemented by an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world. CEPS' funding is obtained from a variety of sources, including membership fees, project research, foundation grants, conferences fees, publication sales and an annual grant from the European Commission. Its principal goals are: to carry out state-of-the-art policy research leading to solutions to the challenges facing Europe; to achieve high standards of academic excellence and maintain unqualified independence; to provide a forum for discussion among all stakeholders in the European policy process; to build collaborative networks of researchers, policy-makers and business representatives across the whole of Europe; to disseminate their findings and views through a regular flow of publications and public events. The Energy, Climate Change & Sustainable Development Programme is one of several research programmes including Economic & Social Welfare Policies, EU Neighbourhood, Foreign & Security Policy, Financial Markets & Institutions, Justice & Home Affairs, Politics & European Institutions, Regulatory Policy and Trade Developments & Agricultural Policy.

Contact details

Place du Congrès 1, 1000 Brussels


Western Europe

Organisation details

Business model
Institutional affiliations
No affiliation
Year founded
Age (years)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
Founded by
Founders: N/A
Founder gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2024): Karel Lannoo
Leader gender: Male
Leader(s) (2023): Karel Lannoo
Leader gender: Male
Leader(s) (2022): Karel Lannoo
Leader gender: Male
Staff size
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
% Female staff
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
% Female researchers
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)

Organisational performance

CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)


Likes (2021)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
Likes (2019)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Followers (2024)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
Followers (2022)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Followers (2021)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Subscribers (2024)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
Subscribers (2023)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Subscribers (2022)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Followers (2024)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Belgium average
Global average
Followers (2023)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Followers (2022)
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)

Data notes

Last updated: 26/05/2024
Data sources consulted: Information supplied by organisation, Organisation´s website
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