Generation for Rights Over the World

Hauville, France

Generation for Rights Over the World (GROW) is an independent, youth-led think tank registered in France, comprising 40 members, mostly students, with hubs in more than seven European countries. GROW’s mission is to promote human rights through a dual approach: raising awareness of human rights issues among the general public, while also advocating for improvements to legal texts and practices governing the protection of human rights. Its work involves producing rigorous studies, comprehensive reports, and insightful articles that offer well-considered policy recommendations and advice. By engaging in methodical analysis, GROW aims to contribute meaningfully to academic and policy debates, while providing actionable insights to address contemporary human rights challenges.

Contact details

4 bis, Rue du Bosc Lambert


Western Europe

Areas of focus

Topics of research
Geographics of focus
France, Europe
Operating languages
English , French

Organisation details

Business model
Institutional affiliations
No affiliation
Year founded
Age (years)
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
Founded by
Founders: Vincent Lefebvre and Marie Chapot
Founder gender: Both male & female co-founders
Leader(s) (2024): Vincent Lefebvre and Marie Chapot
Leader gender: Both male and female co-leaders (more than one person)
Staff size
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
% Female staff
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
% Female researchers
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average

Organisational performance

Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
Generation for Rights Over the World
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
Generation for Rights Over the World


Followers (2024)
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
Subscribers (2024)
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
Followers (2024)
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average
Followers (2024)
Generation for Rights Over the World
France average
Global average

Data notes

Last updated: 20/12/2024
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : OTT reviewed
Data sources consulted: Information supplied by organisation, Organisation´s website
Have we got something wrong?: Contact us to update this record. There is more information in the database, you can download it here.