Institute for Democratic Governance

Accra, Ghana

The Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG) was established in the year 2000 purposely to contribute to the "establishment of a just and free society" in Ghana that is democratic, prosperous, integrated and secure in the West African sub-region and beyond. Established at a time of growing public interest in the advancement of democratisation and good governance in the hitherto authoritarian, turbulent, and underdeveloped polities of the West African sub-region, the founders of IDEG committed themselves to work for the consolidation of democratic governance within and beyond the boundaries of Ghana. Consequently, IDEG was conceptualised to function as the leading centre of excellence, delivering cutting edge services relevant to the empowerment of citizens and enhancement of their ability to sustain democratic governance and equitable development.

Contact details

No. 24 Garden Road, Intersection with Okine Avenue, East Legon( Near the A&C Mall)


Western Africa

Areas of focus

Geographics of focus
Operating languages

Organisation details

Business model
Institutional affiliations
No affiliation
Year founded
Age (years)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Ghana average
Global average
Founded by
Founders: N/A
Founder gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2024): Emmanuel O. Akwetey
Leader gender: Male
Leader(s) (2023): Emmanuel O. Akwetey
Leader gender: Male
Leader(s) (2022): Emmanuel O. Akwetey
Leader gender: Male

Organisational performance

Institute for Democratic Governance
Ghana average
Global average


Likes (2023)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Ghana average
Global average
Followers (2024)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Ghana average
Global average
Followers (2022)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Followers (2021)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Subscribers (2024)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Ghana average
Global average
Subscribers (2023)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Followers (2024)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Ghana average
Global average
Followers (2023)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Followers (2024)
Institute for Democratic Governance
Ghana average
Global average
Followers (2023)
Institute for Democratic Governance

Data notes

Last updated: 11/05/2024
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: Organisation´s website
Have we got something wrong?: Contact us to update this record. There is more information in the database, you can download it here.