Institute of Economic Affairs

Institute of Economic Affairs, Ghana ‒ IEA-Ghana
Accra, Ghana

IEA was established as a politically nonpartisan body which functions as a center for policy analysis, a forum for the exchange of ideas, and a resource for public education. IEA translates academic research into information and recommendations for policymakers, organizing policy forums on a variety of issues, and releases regular publications. IEA's main objectives are to promote private-sector-led economic development and assist in the process of democratic consolidation in Ghana and throughout Africa. A major part of IEA's activities has been designed to promote the establishment of an open society, the achievement of good governance, and the entrenchment of multiparty democracy. IEA organizes conferences, seminars, workshops, and so on, affording opportunities for opinion leaders and other stakeholders to critically examine policy issues and exchange ideas. IEA runs a number of programs aimed at enhancing the technical capacities of the Government of Ghana and collaborates with several international development agencies, receiving sponsorship from some of these sources as well as from the sale of its services and publications.

Contact details


No. 28 Independence Avenue, Ridge, P.O. Box OS 1936, Christianborg, Accra, Ghana


Western Africa

Areas of focus

Organisation details

Business model
For profit
Institutional affiliations
Year founded
Age (years)
Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average
Founded by
Founders: Dr. Charles Mensa
Founder gender: All male
Leader(s) (2023): Dede Amanor-Wilks
Leader gender: Female
Leader(s) (2022): Dede Amanor-Wilks
Leader gender: Female
Leader(s) (2021): Dr. Dede Amanor-Wilks (Executive Director)
Leader gender: Female
Staff size
Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average
Institute of Economic Affairs
% Female staff
Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average
Institute of Economic Affairs
% Female researchers
Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average

Organisational performance

Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average


Likes (2023)
Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average
Followers (2024)
Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average
Followers (2022)
Institute of Economic Affairs
Followers (2021)
Institute of Economic Affairs
Followers (2023)
Institute of Economic Affairs
Ghana average
Global average

Data notes

Last updated: 08/05/2023
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: Organisation´s website, Think Tank Initiative Directory
Have we got something wrong?: Contact us to update this record. There is more information in the database, you can download it here.