Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral

Institute of Applied Economics of the Coast
Santa Fe, Argentina

The main lines of research focus on economic studies applied to problems in the region and the methodological aspects related to them. The emphasis has been on the analysis of supply, demand, markets and prices, as well as factors that impact on the competitiveness of production chains, from the producer to the final consumer, both domestically and abroad.

Contact details

Moreno 2557. Santa Fe


South America

Areas of focus

Geographics of focus
Operating languages

Organisation details

Business model
University institute/center
Institutional affiliations
Founded by
Founders: N/A
Founder gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2024): Edith Depetris de Guiguet
Leader gender: Female
Leader(s) (2023): Edith Depetris de Guiguet
Leader gender: Female
Leader(s) (2022): Edith Depetris de Guiguet
Leader gender: Female
Staff size
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average
% Female staff
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average
% Female researchers
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average

Organisational performance

Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average


Likes (2022)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average
Likes (2021)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Likes (2019)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Followers (2024)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average
Subscribers (2024)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average
Subscribers (2023)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Followers (2024)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral
Argentina average
Global average
Followers (2023)
Instituto de Economía Aplicada del Litoral

Data notes

Last updated: 13/06/2024
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: Organisation´s website
Have we got something wrong?: Contact us to update this record. There is more information in the database, you can download it here.