IFPRI's mission is to identify and analyze policies for meeting the food needs of the developing world in a truly sustainable manner. Research at IFPRI concentrates on economic growth and poverty alleviation in low-income countries, improvement in the wellbeing of poor people, and the sound management of the natural resource base that supports agriculture. IFPRI seeks to make its research results available to all those in a position to use them and to strengthen institutions in developing countries that conduct research relevant to its mandate. Although IFPRI holds the intellectual property rights to its research output, it views final research output in published and unpublished form as "international public goods." As such, it uses the most appropriate mechanisms to make the results freely available to all.
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: N/A
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2023): Johan Swinnen
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2022): Johan Swinnen
Leader gender: Male
Organisational performance
Data notes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : OTT reviewed
Data sources consulted: NIRA Think Tank Directory, Organisation´s website
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