National Society of Conservationists

Budapest, Hungary

The mission of the National Society of Conservationists (NSC), comprising of over 100 hungarian member groups, is the comprehensive protection of nature, as well as the promotion of sustainable development, in cooperation with international organizations, especially the Friends of the Earth International network. The Society is radical in its principles: it wishes to draw decision makers' and citizens' attention to the drivers of environmental problems, by organizing campaigns, professional events, in depth studies and publications, and targeted lobbying. The Society does not believe in technical or superficial political solutions, but feel the need to question our current relationship with the environment, and our unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. NSC's campaigns pay specific attention on: - Mitigating the effects of climate change - Integrating sustainability viewpoints into policy-making - Supporting GM-free and environmentally friendly agriculture - Taking action against damaging infrastructural and industrial investments - Exposing polluting companies and the banks financing them - Environmental education of citizens, especially young people

Contact details

1091 Budapest, Üllői út 91 / b.


Eastern Europe

Areas of focus

Geographics of focus
Hungary, EU
Operating languages
English , Hungarian

Organisation details

Business model
Institutional affiliations
No affiliation
Founded by
Founders: N/A
Founder gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2024): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2023): Ákos Alder; Tamás István Farkas
Leader gender: Male
Leader(s) (2022): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Staff size
National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
National Society of Conservationists
% Female staff
National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
National Society of Conservationists

Organisational performance

National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
National Society of Conservationists
National Society of Conservationists


Likes (2023)
National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
Likes (2022)
National Society of Conservationists
Likes (2021)
National Society of Conservationists
Followers (2024)
National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
Followers (2022)
National Society of Conservationists
Followers (2021)
National Society of Conservationists
Subscribers (2024)
National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
Subscribers (2023)
National Society of Conservationists
Subscribers (2022)
National Society of Conservationists
Followers (2024)
National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
Followers (2023)
National Society of Conservationists
Followers (2024)
National Society of Conservationists
Hungary average
Global average
Followers (2023)
National Society of Conservationists

Data notes

Last updated: 15/04/2024
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: Organisation´s website
Have we got something wrong?: Contact us to update this record. There is more information in the database, you can download it here.