The Penang Institute is funded by the Penang state government. It was established in 1997 (as SERI, the Socio-economic and Environmental Research Institute), and underwent a name change in 2011. The Institute aims to: contribute towards making public policy-making in Penang and in Malaysia; provide platforms for intellectual and professional exchanges on critical, current and strategic issues affecting Penang and its surrounding region; promote interest in Penang’s cultural activities, and specifically in literary pursuits; aid academic research in general through the maintenance of a research library.
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: Both male & female co-founders
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2023): Dato' Dr. Ooi Kee Beng
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2022): Dato' Dr. Ooi Kee Beng
Leader gender: Male
Organisational performance
Data notes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : OTT reviewed
Data sources consulted: Information supplied by organisation, Organisation´s website
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