Sallux is a recognized and registered European Political Foundation. Sallux means “Salt and Light”. It is an association that acts as the political foundation for the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM). Sallux supports and underpins the ECPM especially in terms of political content by Pan-European co-operation and the introduction of analysis, ideas and policy options. As an association It welcomes likeminded think-tanks, NGO’s and individual politicians as members. Together with these partner-organisations Sallux exchanges information and ideas and increases spreading of new vision with positive influence for the European society.
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: All male
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2023): N/A
Leader gender: N/A Leader(s) (2022): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Organisational performance
Data notes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: Information supplied by organisation, Organisation´s website
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