1 Topic Tables

1.1 General Table

1.2 Topics by Region

1.3 Topic Correlations

Correlation value is the Phi Coefficient, which is the Pearson Coefficient applied to binary variables. Correlation means the likelihood that both items are present or absent at the same time vs one being present without the other. A value of zero implies that half the time they appear together and half the time apart.

1.4 Topic Correlations by Region

2 Number of Think Tanks by Topics

Number of Think Tanks by Topic

Figure 2.1: Number of Think Tanks by Topic

3 Topics by Region

3.1 Topics by Region

Fraction of Organisations by Region and Topic

Figure 3.1: Fraction of Organisations by Region and Topic

3.2 Frequency Table

3.3 Topics by Region - Nominal

Number of Think Tanks by Topic and Region

Figure 3.2: Number of Think Tanks by Topic and Region

4 Tables on Numbers of Topics

4.1 Topics per Think Tank

Figure 4.1: Number of Topics per Think Tank

4.2 Topics per Think Tank by Region

Figure 4.2: Number of Topics per Think Tank per Region

5 Think Tanks by Number of Topics and Leader’s Gender

5.1 Chart - Percentage

Leader's Gender by Number of Topics

Figure 5.1: Leader’s Gender by Number of Topics

5.2 Chart - Nominal

Leader's Gender by Number of Topics

Figure 5.2: Leader’s Gender by Number of Topics

5.3 Frequency Table