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A guide to translating and publishing OTT content

At OTT, we believe in making our ideas and resources accessible to as many organisations and individuals around the world who are working to support evidence-informed decision making. We have seen great success with our “Build a Think Tank Guide” which has been translated into French with the support of IDRC Canada, and Arabic by our partners DEVE and CRIK in Saudi Arabia.

If you are interested in translating and publishing OTT content, we would love to work with you to ensure the final product is of high quality. We offer two options for translation:

  • Sponsored translation: In this option, you provide funding for the translation and production, while we manage the process. Your logo will be added to the translated document, and you will be recognised as the sponsor.
  • Self-managed translation: If you prefer to manage the translation and production process, we will be involved in quality checking the translation and design, providing design files, and ensuring the final product meets our standards. OTT will remain the author and publisher, but you will add your logo and be acknowledged as the translator in the publication and citation.

Regardless of the option you choose, we have standard process for translating and publishing OTT content:

  1. Translate – Engage a reputable and recommended professional translator.
  2. Edit – A distinct editing phase is crucial for ensuring high-quality translation, particularly for lengthy documents.
  3. Quality check – Enlist a native speaker of the target language to evaluate the translation for accuracy and fluency. The quality assessor should be a trusted individual within the organisation responsible for publishing the content. This review should not be time-intensive, 10-15 mins of someone’s time is all that is needed to confirm that the quality is good.
  4. Layout and design – Once confidence in the translation’s quality is established, proceed to the layout phase using the agreed template and logos.
  5. Partner quality check – If OTT is handling the translation, the content will be shared with the sponsoring organisation for an independent quality check. In cases where a partner organisation manages the translation, OTT will conduct its own independent quality assessment with a qualified individual from our network. Again, this isn’t a time-intensive task.
  6. Proofread – The finalised publication with its layout will undergo a thorough proofreading process.
  7. Publish– We look forward to promoting widely via its channels and networks.

If the partner quality check does not meet our/your standards, we will work together to find a solution. Our goal is to ensure high-quality translations  to support you in creating high-quality translations that further the mission of OTT and improve access to evidence-informed decision making globally.

We look forward to working with you!

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