We’ve been extra busy these last few months developing and launching the new On Think Tanks website. I had to manually migrate over 800 posts from the old platform. And there is still work to do. But really hard at work was the team at Soapbox.
We’d like to offer our special thanks to them:
Fathima Asmat, Farina Broadley, Anya Pearson, Stuart Brockwell, Robert Hunt, Paulien Hosang, and Lozana Rossenova
But also John Schwartz for not hesitating when I asked if Soapbox might be willing to help us out with the new website.
Particularly important for us has been that while we’ve now got a new website -with lots of new challenges and opportunities- we have also learned a bit or two about website design and development. Lessons that I hope to share with the think tank community in the near future.
In the meantime, checkout Soapbox’s work and, if you happen to be looking for world class research communications advice, I recommend you give them a call.