Equality, diversity and inclusion in think-tanks: the role of Human Resources

Organised by Chatham House
Event type External Event
Location Online
Start date 18 March 2021 14:00

The Chatham House EDI Working Group, in collaboration with Bruegel and The Brussels Binder, is pleased to host a meeting on equality, diversity and inclusion in think-tanks with a focus on the role of Human Resources (HR). At a time of international turbulence and crisis, bringing together think-tanks to share best practice and building an inclusive and collaborative network is more important than ever. This given its importance for being representative of society, delivering inclusive and quality research, and in working towards our principles and missions of promoting peaceful and collaborative international relations.

Heightened attention to EDI in the workplace presents an opportunity to explore the role that HR teams have in influencing think tanks to be diverse and inclusive. HR professionals have a unique privilege of access to people at all levels of a think tank, from prospective employees all the way to leadership. There is little doubt that HR is central to any think-thank achieving its EDI objectives but there is still much to learn about how best to do this.

The meeting will begin with three case studies from HR professionals and experts working in, or with, think-tanks in Europe on how their organisations have approached EDI. The discussion that follows will tackle some of the key challenges and opportunities presented.

This meeting builds on the series in 2020 co-organised by The Brussels Binder with Bruegel and The German Marshall Fund of the US (GMF) in March on gender diversity and with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in November on diversity in research.


Introduction: Welcome remarks from Leah de Haan, Chair Chatham House EDI Working Group

Case Studies: Three case studies from think-tanks across Europe:

  1. Recruitment – Nonie Dube, Inhouse Recruiter at Chatham House
  2. HR Policies – Makfire Alija, HR Manager at Bruegel
  3. Third speaker tbc

Discussion: Group discussion on the role of HR.