With the growing consensus that policymaking should be informed by evidence, efforts are multiplying to support evidence-informed policymaking (EIP) around the world. Results for Development, Yale’s School of Management, and Results for All have recently completed research projects to enhance our collective understanding of the actors and processes that bridge the gap between evidence and policymaking and to shed light on promising approaches to supporting EIP.
This event will provide an opportunity to share and discuss the findings from this research and foster a discussion about promising approaches and what the field needs – in terms of both research and practice.
This event is part of R4D’s 10th Anniversary Event Series, running throughout 2018 and focusing on the theme of working with local change agents for systems-wide impact in health, education and nutrition.
Opening Remarks
- Nathaniel Heller, Executive Vice President for Integrated Strategies, Results for Development
Evidence-Informed Policymaking Project Research Presentations and Q&A
- Abebe Taddese, Executive Director, Results for All
- Rodrigo Canales, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Yale School of Management
- Preston Whitt, Program Officer, Results for Development
Panel Discussion and Q&A
- Norma Altshuler, Program Officer, Hewlett Foundation
- Sara Pacqué-Margolis, Director of Advancement and Impact Evaluation Services, International Initative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)