Free webinar: British think tanks after the 2008 global financial crisis

Event type Courses
Start date 12 September 2019 2pm UTC

In this webinar, Marcos González Hernando, Senior Researcher at Think-tank for Action on Social Change (FEPS-TASC), will present his new book British think tanks after the 2008 global financial crisis, published by the book series Palgrave Studies in Science, Knowledge and Policy.

The book looks at how four think tanks from across the political spectrum changed intellectually and institutionally as a result of a crisis that, beyond just affecting the economy and politics, deeply shaped our confidence on policy expertise.

Marcos’ presentation will take 20-25 minutes, followed by a Q&A.


Thursday 12 Sep 2019, 2pm UTC.


This webinar last 45 mins and is free of charge.


Marcos González Hernando is an Affiliated Researcher at the University of Cambridge, Senior Researcher at FEPS-Think Tank for Action on Social Change, and Managing Editor at Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory. He is interested in the political sociology of knowledge production, economic debates, the history of the social sciences, and the relationship between experts, elites, and public policy. Marcos is currently conducting research on the attitudes towards social inequality of high-income earners and is about to publish a book on British think tanks after the 2008 economic crisis.