In this webinar, we will be discussing different reasons and methods of engaging with the public as a think tank. Who is my public? How do I reach out to it? And, what are the challenges of public engagement?
Based on his experience as the director of the Swiss grassroots think tank foraus, Lukas Hupfer will tackle these questions by presenting a concrete tool that facilitates public involvement in the framing, conducting and dissemination of your research.
Monday 8 July 2019, 3pm UTC.
This 45-minute webinar is free.
Lukas Hupfer has wide experience in foreign policy both as an academic and a professional. Following his studies at SciencesPo Paris he served the Swiss Foreign Ministry in Bern and Hebron. After five years of diplomatic service, Lukas was appointed director of foraus – the Swiss think tank on foreign policy in April 2018. foraus is a grassroots think tank that generates independent, high quality recommendations for decision-makers and the public. Its non-partisan approach aims to promote an open dialogue and informed decision-making on all aspects of foreign policy.