Partisan think tanks don’t get talked about much. Based on a recently published OTT Working Paper, in this webinar Leandro will discuss the distinctive features of partisan think tanks, present a framework to study these actors and share some of the findings of his research in which he applied the framework to study the relationship between Pensar Foundation and the party PRO in Argentina. An overall question will be present throughout the webinar: can partisan think tanks actually contribute to making more informed policy decisions or are they another resource of political parties to build power? A summary of Leandro’s research is available here together with the Working paper.
Wednesday 16 October 2019, 3pm UTC.
This 45-minute webinar is free.
Leandro Echt is an Argentinian political scientist, with more than 12 years of experience in supporting the use of evidence for policymaking in think tanks, NGOs and government agencies in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, through capacity building, mentoring, research and assessments. He is Research Associate at On Think Tanks and Associate of Politics & Ideas. He was the Coordinator of the Influence, Monitoring and Evaluation Program at the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC). He is currently based in Florida, United Sates.