Free webinar: Rotational leadership for the sustainability of think tank networks

Event type Courses
Start date 27 September 2019 3pm UTC

In this webinar, Dmytro Khutkyy, who co-created an association of organisations in the area of e-democracy and observed the evolution of several others in the sector, will discuss how an alternative leadership model can strengthen webs of think tanks, action tanks, or any other civil society organizations.

Dmytro will cover issues of coordinational, functional, and territorial leadership rotation and demonstrate how it can work and what results it can help achieve using the case study of Coalition for the Advance of e-Democracy, which is a multi stakeholder entity consisting of non-governmental organizations and a government agency.

Dmytro’s presentation will take approximately 20 minutes, leaving plenty of time for Q&A.


Friday 27 September 2019, 3pm UTC.


This 45-minute webinar is free.


Dmytro Khutkyy, a public sociologist, is the Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies, in Germany. Also, he acts as the National Researcher at the Independent Reporting Mechanism, Open Government Partnership initiative and the Expert at the Coalition for the Advance of e-Democracy, in Ukraine. He participated in grassroots civic activism within the Center for Innovations Development, Reanimation Package of Reforms, and Transparency International. Dmytro Khutkyy evaluated and advised on reforms of Ukrainian government and performed expert consultancy for UNDP, OECD, eGA, EGAP, DRI, IRI, and other organizations on best practices of civic technology and open government. Dmytro Khutkyy conducts research, training, and communication to promote civic participation, good governance, and institutional change. Dmytro’s academic and policy publications can be found here.