Free webinar: Think tank governance

Organised by On Think Tanks
Event type Courses
Location Online
Start date 26 July 2018 2:00 PM UTC

What happens when an executive director leaves the organisation? How can an executive director best work with its board to address staff management challenges? What is the role of the board in protecting the reputation of the think tank?

This webinar presents a series of governance challenges facing think tank leaders. It considers each challenge and discusses how better governance arrangements can help. It also offers insight into the principal roles of boards and their ideal composition.


This 90-minute webinar is free of charge.

For a more in-depth look at this topic, try our strategic course: The foundations of think tank governance.


Enrique Mendizabal is Founder and Director of On Think Tanks. Until December 2010, he worked for the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), leading the Research and Policy in Development (RAPID) programme. At ODI he co-founded the Outcome Mapping Learning Community. Enrique is Co-Founder of Politics and Ideas, the Peruvian Alliance for the Use of Evidence, and the Premio PODER al Think Tank Peruano del Año. He lives in Lima, Peru but spends time in London and traveling to visit think tanks across the world. He combines this with travel writing and coffee roasting.