This is the second follow-up event focused on key lessons from the On Think Tanks Conference, held in London on the 13-16th February.
The 2018 On Think Tanks Conference included a public event on think tank credibility and 27 key-note speeches, presentations, panels and workshops.
These follow-up events offer an opportunity to reflect on some of the lessons learned and share them with a wider audience.
This event in London, at the Centre for London, is limited to 15 people in total in-keeping with the OTT Conference’s own style.
The programme
A short presentation by Enrique Mendizabal, Director On Think Tanks, outlining the main ideas from each of the sessions will be followed by an open discussion around one or more of these.
The event will take place between 13:00 – 15:00 London time.
We will provide a cold lunch for those attending.
To join
Please complete the form below.