Often think tanks /organisations conduct important and relevant researchers and produce some valuable analyses. While this information is usually shared with a closed circle of interested stakeholders, it is often more challenging to reach out to and interest a wider audience. One recurrent strategy to do this is to appeal to media (print and electronic media). However, think tanks frequently do this on an ad hoc basis instead of having a systematic method and ongoing relationships with journalists. Do we need any specialised skills to help build this process? Is it a complex activity? Will we get the desired results?
Who is this for?
This webinar aims to help communicators, media coordinators, and any member of a think tank interested in reaching out the wider public more effectively. While some Think Tanks have designated individual/s to interface with the media, some are in the process of establishing a team to handle the media activities and some others delegate this task to researchers.
The webinar will help the participants to understand the nuances of creating press notes and press releases and building and maintaining fruitful relationships with media.
The webinar will help you/your team:
- Enhance the communication and policy engagement processes and thus the visibility of your organisation
- Understand and address the importance of media engagement
- Understand key points in creating press notes and releases
What will we cover?
The webinar will cover the following topics:
- Strategically plan media activities
- Develop appropriate communication materials related to media
- Develop effective press notes and press releases
- Know the Do’s and Don’ts in media engagement
- Identify how and when will media use the information disseminated by an organisation
Key dates
Webinar: April 27th, 2017
The time of the webinar is 12 PM GMT.
The webinar last 90 minutes.
Annapoorna Ravichander: Annapoorna is On think Tanks Editor at large for South Asia. She is also an Independent Consultant based in India. She holds a PhD in History and has over 25 years of experience in the areas of training, writing and communication. She has published articles in journals, newspapers and newsletters. She has also coordinated publishing books in the capacity of associate editor and coordinator. Her core skills include editing, communication and training. Until 2016 she was the Head of the Communication and Policy Engagement Team (CPE) at the Center for Study, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) in India. Annapoorna has been a recipient of the Rotary Award for Exemplary Services in 1999, Vadodara, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal from 1985-86 and UGC Fellowship from 1984-1988.
The webinar costs GBP 50.00.
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Checkout other Courses in the Evolving Think Tanks Series 2017.