E Dev is a project of The Development CAFÉ. We offer fully online or semi online courses for students, professionals in the development sector or in related fields. Fully Online courses do not have a field work component, for semi online courses, you will be required to do field work with a project of your choice or as suggested by us.
The workshop will cover:
- The data revolution and the implications for international development
- Case studies illustrating applications of big data in a development evaluation
- The promise of big data for monitoring and evaluation – and the challenges
- A framework for integrating big data into monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL)
- Adaptive Programming and developing a ‘Culture of Evaluation’
- Managing big data inclusive evaluations and understanding the big data ecosystem
- EvalC3 and the development of prediction models and the representation of Theories of Change
- Data Clinics: Design Thinking in M&E for choosing the right tools.
- Introducing Blockchains and IoTs (Internet of Things) and their use in Data Capture, Storage, and Dissemination. (Lessons from the Field)
- Case Studies of Application (Government, Private Sector, Development Sector and Tech Industry)
- Michael Bamberger (Independent Consultant)
- Rick Davies (Creator of Most Significant Change)
- Valentine Gandhi (The Development CAFE)
- Diastika Rahwidiati (Pulse Lab Jakarta)
- Setiaji (Jakarta Smart City)
- Kyriacos Koupparis (USAID)