Organisational advocacy capacity tools:
- Impact 2.0 iGuide – New mechanisms for linking research and policy. This guide is a useful tool for capacity building on the use of Web 2.0 for incidence and influence in policy making under the “evidence-based”paradigm.
- This is not exactly a tool for assessing advocacy capabilities, but it does address organizational capacity. It was prepared to gauge the performance of various institutions that support private sector development in region, and so far has been applied in pilot studies in several countries.
- offers several tools to undertake organizational capacity assessments that you could use.
- Tool to assess the advocacy capacities of national farmer organisations within the ESFIM-programme. It tries to operationalize the ‘5C’, five capabilities framework, for our specific context. It is being piloted during January.
- Learners, practitioners and teachers. Handbook on monitoring, evaluating and managing knowledge for policy influence