On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, IESE is announcing that its 5th international academic conference, on the theme “Challenges of social and economic research in times of crisis” will be held in Maputo, Mozambique, from 19 to 21 September 2017.
The inaugural conference of IESE, held on 19 September 2007, discussed the challenges of social and economic research in Mozambique, from the point of view of the theoretical, paradigmatic and methodological challenges to study, understand and respond to the dynamics and trends of political, economic and social transformation, and of the challenges of the insertion of research and its role in a political context forecast to become increasingly hostile and repressive.
Ten years later, the world is witnessing a multi-dimensional and international crisis. Although the crisis is global, it has regional and national expressions and specificities.
What does our research teach us? Where we are, what questions disturb us, what are we unable to understand and explain, or to change, and what do we not know? What contributions have we made, both to the social sciences and to knowledge, and to political, economic and social debates and to social struggles? What challenges are facing us, with regard both to the development of the social sciences and to their political insertion?
Identifying, debating and responding to questions such as these are the objectives of this conference. (call for papers)