IDRC has launched a call for proposals for the provision of an independent evaluation team to undertake an evaluation of the second phase of the Think Tank Initiative over 4.5 years. The evaluation will provide periodic, timely and actionable feedback to allow for the adaptive management of the Initiative, as well as providing rigorously documented and validated learning about the program.
The think Tank Initiative has launched a call to find a an evaluation team for the second phase of the programme:
Request for Proposals for TTI’s Phase 2 Evaluation:
IDRC requests proposals for the provision of an independent evaluation team to undertake an evaluation of the second phase of the Think Tank Initiative over 4.5 years. The evaluation will provide periodic, timely and actionable feedback to allow for the adaptive management of the Initiative, as well as providing rigorously documented and validated learning about the program. For more details, visit TTI’s website or go directly to the full RFP. The deadline for proposals is September 22, 2014.
If you are planning to apply, then this post by Peter Taylor should be mandatory reading: The external evaluation of the Think Tank Initiative: “what we’re learning, and how we’re responding to those lessons”