Recent research on the organization of research production in Asia shows the effect of marketization on the quality of academic work. The Indonesian case provides a complex picture of these effects in a post-authoritarian context. Market-driven research production is not independent or of high quality because it is donor driven and instrumental. Against this backdrop, the Indonesian based Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) undertook this study to investigate the state of Indonesia’s social science research system, looking at the production, diffusion and uptake of research into public policy development and implementation.
The purpose of this exercise is to collect and report original data on social science research systems, to guide research policy and capacity-building programs at the national level. Most importantly, it aims to highlight aspects that require the attention of regulators, policymakers, the scientific community and potential donors, and to ensure that actions and reforms are informed by contextualized knowledge of the local environment.
On this webinar, the CIPG team will present the findings of the Doing Research Assessment in Indonesia aiming that these results will help to guide national development actions. Check the Executive Summary & Conclusions both in English and Indonesian. The full report in English will be released on the day of the Webinar and a podcast based on the Webinar will be developed and shared in the following days.
- Pierre Jacquet, President, GDN
Presentation 1 – Doing Research Program
- Francesco Obino, Head of Programs, GDN
Presentation 2 – Doing Research in Indonesia
- Inaya Rakhmani, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia
- Zulfa Sakhiyya, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Fred Carden, Principal, Using Evidence Inc
- Yanuar Nugroho, Advisor of Centre for Innovation Policy and Government (CIPG)
Doing research programme
Doing Research (launched in 2014) is an initiative of the Global Development Network (GDN) that aims to systematically assess how the features of a national research system impact the capacity to produce, diffuse and use quality social science research to the benefit of social and economic development. A pilot phase (2014-2017) in 13 countries was supported by the Agence Française de Développement, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. In 2017, GDN conducted a synthesis of the pilot studies and developed a standard methodology for studying social science research systems in developing countries, the ‘Doing Research Assessment’. Since 2018, GDN has been implementing Doing Research Assessments in partnership with competitively selected national research institutions, with the aim of generating evidence on research systems. The program also aims to support the emergence of a network of research institutions in the Global South dedicated to informing national research policies, using new research-based, comparative evidence.