As part of our OTT Conference 2020: 2nd online event, we will host a public session on lessons from initiatives to support think tanks and implications for the future.
- Goran Buldioski (Open Society Foundations)
- Julie LaFrance (former member of the Think Tank Initiative team)
- Michael Schwarz (Stiftung Mercator)
- Henry Alt-Haaker (Robert Bosch Foundation)
- Renata Skardziute-Kereselidze (GIP)
- Thinktanker TBC
This session will address:
- What have we learned from supporting think tanks over the long term?
- What funding policies, approaches and mechanisms have been more effective to develop think tanks’ competencies or their influence on policy processes in the long term?
- What does the current COVID-19 context mean for funding for think tanks?
- How can funders better support think tanks in the future – with an eye to guaranteeing their resilience
To join please sign up here: OTT Conference 2020: 2nd online event