Young Thinktankers Forum: A new generation of researchers forging a sustainable and just future

Organised by On Think Tanks & Southern Voice
Event type Event
Location Zoom
Start date 10 November 2021 09:00‌ ‌(UTC-5‌ ‌NYC),‌ ‌15:00‌ ‌(UTC+1‌ ‌Lagos),‌ ‌19:30‌ ‌(UTC+5:30‌ ‌Delhi)‌


As the world responds to the urgent impacts of the current COVID-19 crisis, it is important that we continue to look towards preparing for the future and securing our place in it. This entails acknowledging that the world and its impending socio-economic development concerns will be different in the coming years. Think tanks will also be different, led by a new generation of researchers and policy entrepreneurs, and will likely use different strategies to effect the desired change.

Think tanks in the Global South will probably see the greatest expansions, as the regions gather more relevance in the global economy and governance.

In the framework of the 3rd Southern Voice Conference “Shaping an equitable post-COVID world: the role of Global South think tanks”, On Think Tanks and Southern Voice organise the event: Young Thinktankers Forum: A new generation of researchers forging a sustainable and just future.

This session is led by young thinktankers across the Global South, to share ideas and discuss proposals on how present actions, such as exploring new business models, attracting and developing new skills and competencies, positioning the organisations to engage with new stakeholders and audiences, etc., can equip us to respond better to future challenges. 

The session has been designed with the young thinktankers to involve as many peers as possible. Our speakers will kick start the conversation addressing some of these questions and young thinktankers in the audience will be invited to join too.

Come ready to join!

Learn more about the event and register here

Moderator & Speakers


Louise Ball is a communications specialist, with 10 years of experience in the research and non-profit sector. She is the communications and research uptake lead for the four-year Global Challenges Research Fund project Drugs & (dis)order at SOAS University of London. Prior to this, she worked at the Overseas Development Institute’s Research and Policy in Development programme, working on strategic communications for policy engagement, and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute. She co-authored a toolkit on monitoring, evaluating and learning from communications, a Research Excellence Framework impact toolkit, and 10 things to know about how to influence policy with research.

Opening speakers

Gabrielle Alves works as a researcher at Plataforma CIPO, a Brazilian independent institute devoted to climate, governance, and peace research. She has developed a strong platform for environmental justice advocacy in Brazil and Latin America through granting commentaries, interviews and writing opinion editorials.
Twitter: @gabriellealvesx Instagram: @leiturasdagabrielle

Regean Mugume works as a Research Analyst at Uganda’s Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC). His areas of expertise include financial inclusion, commerce, food security, monitoring and evaluation, and quantitative survey analysis. He has worked on the micro and macro analysis of national household surveys and global trade data sets.
Twitter: @RegeanMugume

Dr Awa Diouf is a project coordinator at IPAR-Senegal, a think tank focusing on public policies in agricultural and rural sectors in West Africa. She is an expert in developing countries’ public finance, and has featured on online deliberations, virtual topical conferences, informed policy papers on oil & gas in Senegal and featured on African news reports.
LinkedIn: @AwaDiouf

Maryam Shabbir Abbasi works as Project Associate on Climate Change and Gender, as well as Coordinator – Digital Media, at the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Pakistan. Her work mainly focuses on incorporating gender mainstreaming into climate change policies through evidence-based research. Maryam is also a social media activist, trainer, and active member of the National Youth Assembly.
Twitter: @S_Maryam8

Bakang Ntshingane is a Program Officer at Southern Voice, supporting the research and policy analysis programs of the organization. Before joining Southern Voice, Bakang was a summer intern at the Green Climate Fund, working to help prepare developing countries to finance scaled up and impactful climate action through the Readiness program. He has also worked for think tanks and grassroots civil society organizations in Botswana and South Africa.
LinkedIn: @BakangNtshingane


This forum is co-organised by On Think Tanks and Southern Voice.

Online‌ ‌via‌ ‌ZOOM.‌ ‌Wednesday‌, ‌November‌ ‌10,‌ ‌2021‌ ‌

09:00‌ ‌(UTC-5‌ ‌NYC),‌ ‌15:00‌ ‌(UTC+1‌ ‌Lagos),‌ ‌19:30‌ ‌(UTC+5:30‌ ‌Delhi)‌ ‌ ‌

Languages:‌ ‌English,‌ ‌Spanish,‌ ‌French.‌

If you are interested in attending the event, please register below

Learn more about the conference and full agenda here: