PARIS21: developing training materials for parliaments on data use

Supported by  Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development: PARIS21,

The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) is a global partnership of national, regional and international statistics experts and policymakers seeking to improve evidence-based decision making in developing countries.

As demand for data increases, PARIS21 supports the strengthening of statistical capacity at both country and regional levels. One of PARIS21’s growing programmes is supporting the use of data for evidence-based decision making. Acknowledging that only increasing the production of data will not change the way it is used to monitor and target policies, PARIS21 is engaging policymakers on data discussions and increasing data literacy skills of parliamentary staff.

PARIS21 asked OTT to develop a training curricula and materials to support training workshops on data use with parliamentary staff and briefing sessions for MPs.


August to October 2022.


Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development: PARIS21


20,000 EUR