First Exchange: Lima, Peru

SERIES News and Announcements

The First Exchange Event will take place in Lima during the week of the 24th March. It will be hosted by the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP). IEP is a Think Tank Initiative grantee and is also celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2014. You can read more about them in English in this page from the Think Tank Initiative on IEP.


In Preparation we have asked each participant to prepare a short paper on their institution’s experience with collaborations, what has worked, what hasn’t, what are the barriers.

Another participant will act as ‘discussant’ to the paper during the workshop. This will serve a few purposes:

  1. It is an ice breaker – gives everyone something to present, discuss, talk about.
  2. It provides a benchmark or baseline to help assess what the eventual collaborations achieve.
  3. It provides a start for reflection on what is necessary for the action learning aspect of the project.

Event outline -to be defined in greater detail with IEP and the participants in he next couple of weeks

The following outline presents the basic structure of the 4 day event.

Day 1 AM Introductions Discussion of expectations and personal introductionsPresentation of the outline of the exchange event and the whole process
PM Presentation of papers on experiences of barriers to collaboration Presentations by and discussion among the participants.Set-out of hypotheses to be tested during the course of The Exchange
Social 1 Social event or reception TBC
Day 2 AM Presentation of papers on experiences of barriers to collaboration Presentations by and discussion among the participantsWrite-shop of first report on barriers to collaboration
PM Collaborative research project Presentation and discussion on what is expected of the collaborative research projects: putting together a proposal.
Social 2 Social Event or reception TBC
Day 3 AM Policy issue Key note presentation from IEP and discussion. The presentation ought to be a trigger for a broader discussion during which the participants can highlight their own interests, too.
PM Organisational development Key note presentation from IEP and discussion
Social 3 Social event or reception TBC
Day 4 AM Matchmaking Participants get a chance to learn a bit more about each other organisations and discuss possible collaboration projects. This is a chance to ask questions that may not have been answered during the last few days.
PM Peer assist Participants have the chance to present their own challenges and get help from their peers or just share their experiences freely. This is also an opportunity to continue working on planning the collaborative Policy/OD projects.

At the centre of our efforts is to help the participants learn more about each other. The objective is to maximise their chances of finding the right partners for the collaborative research projects that we would like to see developed by The Exchange.