Side event at the Meeting in Lima: On Ukraine

SERIES News and Announcements

During the first Meeting in Lima, IEP, the hosts, organised a Green Table (Mesa Verde) on the situation in Ukraine. It involved two of the participantsNadia Dobryanska and Irine Guruli,  as well as Goran Buldioski. The event served as a way for the participants to learn more about IEP. The Mesa Verde format for events is the equivalent of the Chatham House Rule in Peru: an institution in of itself.

This event constitutes an excellent example of inter-regional collaboration between think tanks. IEP does not specialise on foreign policy (certainly not on Eastern European Geopolitics). And CPLR, from Ukraine, does not have the capacity to reach audiences as far as Peru (why would they?). By taking advantage of a programme like The Exchange, however, both organisations were able to organise and event and produce an output (the video below) that can be shared and used now and in the future.

Think tanks often miss out on these opportunities. As the posts on barriers to collaboration show, all think tanks work with organisations in other countries. How many, though, take advantage of study trips or short visits (for planning, data collection, coordination, etc.) to co-organise an event?

You can watch the video below: