The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is one of the world’s leading research think tanks in the fields of defence and security. It is now seeking to recruit a Senior Research Fellow in Latin American Security to join its Research Group on International Security Studies.
The role
RUSI is seeking to engage a member of staff in London dedicated to researching Latin American security issues. The Senior Research Fellow will be part of the International Security Studies (ISS) research group and play a pivotal role in Latin American security issues across RUSI, including by establishing and leading a new programme on Latin American defence and security, developing research projects and publications on Latin American security, managing a series of webinar events, and organising an annual event on Latin American security.
Key roles and responsibilities
- In coordination with the ISS Director and in consultation with other relevant RUSI teams, as well as with Athena Lab, develop RUSI’s Latin American security research strategy and work plan, lead on business development in relation to research projects, co-author successful bids, and liaise with key public and private sector funders.
- Execute and oversee the delivery of research projects, including responsibility for budget management.
- Develop RUSI’s partnership with Athena Lab.
- Organise an annual event on Latin American security and defence.
- Regularly publish RUSI commentaries and undertake media engagement on Latin American security, working with the RUSI Communications team, enhancing RUSI’s national and international profile and reputation.
- Establish and lead a programme on Latin American security, including organising events and publications, and developing a network of RUSI associate fellows able to contribute to the institute’s agenda on Latin American security.
- Work with the ISS Director to assist with financial and operational management of the team’s portfolio of work and other management-related responsibilities, including the supervision of junior staff.
- Support the work of the Latin America Security and Defence Advisory Board.
- The above list of duties is not exhaustive. The post holder will be required to undertake such duties that may reasonably be expected within the scope and grade of the role.
Experience and skills
- A sophisticated understanding of a wide range of Latin American contemporary security issues
- Evidenced nationally and internationally recognised expertise on specific aspects of Latin American security, including relevant publications
- Ability to work autonomously to achieve agreed goals
- Ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders from a variety of professional and functional backgrounds
- Professional fluency in Spanish a requirement, and in Portuguese desirable.
- Demonstrated experience of working with governments in one of the following fields: civil service, advocacy, think tanks, the private sector or academia
- Excellent analytical and methodological skills, and an organised approach to research
- Willingness and ability to contribute to the public understanding of the field, including through media engagements, and the ability to present complex issues in an engaging and clear way
- Well-developed interpersonal skills, including evidence of working successfully as part of a team.