Biovision Foundation combats hunger and poverty, and is committed to the dissemination and application of ecological methods that sustainably improve living conditions in Africa whilst also conserving the environment. Biovision renders ‚help for self-help‘ and promotes ecological thought and action in both North and South. In 2012, Biovision became the first Swiss Foundation to be granted General Consultative Status at ECOSOC of the United Nations. This allows Biovision to take part in UN Conferences, participate in official discussions and organize side events in order to argue its case.
Contact details
Areas of focus
Organisation details
Founder gender: All male
Leader gender: Female Leader(s) (2023): Frank Eyhorn
Leader gender: Male Leader(s) (2022): Frank Eyhorn
Leader gender: Male
Data notes
Data sources consulted: Information supplied by organisation, Organisation´s website
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