Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center

Christian Democratic International Center ‒ KIC
Stockholm, Sweden

The Christian Democratic International Center (KIC) is a non-profit organisation working with support to democratic movements, parties and politicians in dictatorships and new democracies across the world. KIC cooperates with Christian democratic sister-parties, e.g. in Belarus, Moldova and Cuba in order to strengthen the internal organisation in the respective parties, encourage increased participation by women and youth, and support their democratic strive. In Kenya and Uganda, we are working with a broad approach to educate local politicians from all significant parties and coalitions, and to advocate dialogue and cooperation. We also arrange seminars and publish pamphlets and books on contemporary international issues. Individuals and districts/local branches can support and participate in the work of the KIC by becoming members in the friends network, called “KIC Vänner”.

Contact details

Box 2356,103 18 Stockholm Sweden | Visiting address Triewaldsgränd 2, 111 29, Stockholm


Northern Europe

Areas of focus

Geographics of focus
Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America
Operating languages
English , Swedish

Organisation details

Business model
Institutional affiliations
Political party/figure
Year founded
Age (years)
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
Sweden average
Global average
Founded by
Founders: N/A
Founder gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2024): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2023): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2022): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Staff size
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
Sweden average
Global average
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
% Female staff
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
Sweden average
Global average


Likes (2023)
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
Sweden average
Global average
Likes (2022)
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
Likes (2021)
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
Followers (2024)
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center
Sweden average
Global average
Followers (2022)
Kristdemokratiskt Internationellt Center

Data notes

Last updated: 10/05/2024
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : OTT reviewed
Data sources consulted: Observatoire des Think Tanks Directory, Organisation´s website
Have we got something wrong?: Contact us to update this record. There is more information in the database, you can download it here.