Fostering global collaboration among think tanks

Supported by  Open society Foundations, ,
This project supports knowledge exchange between think tanks in Europe and the Global South, with a focus on capacity building for thinktankers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

This three-year project is being implemented under the On Think Tanks programme. It has three integrated components: First, to provide capacity-strengthening support to organisations in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Second, to develop a calendar of events, to encourage the participation of European thinktankers in global events, promoting cross-continental collaboration among thinktankers. Finally, OTT will work with Europen thinktankers to incorporate more diverse voices on European policy issues and research. OTT will provide three cycles of grants with student-led think tanks across Europe to organise multi-regional events on key European policy issues. A representative from each student think tank will also take part in OTT’s annual School for Thinktankers and be invited to attend the annual OTT Conference.


August 2023 – December 2026


USD 515,000