US-Panama think tank collaboration with the US Department of State

Supported by  Grupo FARO,

Project brief

Grupo FARO and OTT have partnered to deliver a programme to support the development of Panamanian and regional think tanks and policy research institutes through training and
engagement with U.S. counterparts. Our proposed programme  involves the following lines of intervention:
  • Research and analysis
  • Identification of Panamanian think tanks (using the Open Think Tank Directory as a base)
  • Needs assessment of Panamanian think tanks – using OTT Health Check
  • Mapping of relevant US think tanks (using the Open Think Tank Directory as a base) and identification of best practice.
  • Online school for thinktankers
  • Development of an online school for thinktankers for Panamanian think tanks (and other Central American thinktankers more widely)
  • Development of a learning guide on Governance, Management, Research, Comms, Funding, MEL -so that Panamanian think tanks can navigate through the best practice of US think tanks


March – October 2021


  • Andrea Baertl
  • Cristina Ramos
  • Andrea Correa

Funder and budget

Funding is provided by the US State Department. The project is managed by Grupo Faro.
Total budget for OTT is USD 38,601 in fees