Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas

Centre for Economic Research and Teaching ‒ CIDE
Mexico City, Mexico

This organisation may not be a traditional think tank. We have included it in this list as we deem it to be a 'boundary' organisation – in other words, it might have some qualities or characterstics of a think tank.

The Centre for Economic Research and Teaching ( CIDE) is a public centre of research and higher education specialized in social sciences. The central objective of CIDE is to contribute to the development of the country through the generation of rigorous and relevant knowledge, as well as the formation of a new generation of leaders capable of performing with creativity and responsibility in an open and competitive world.

Contact details


Sede Santa Fe, Ciudad de México, Carretera México-Toluca 3655, Col. Lomas de Santa Fe. Distrito Federal, CP 01210. México


Northern America

Areas of focus

Geographics of focus
Operating languages

Organisation details

Business model
Institutional affiliations
Year founded
Age (years)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Mexico average
Global average
Founded by
Founders: N/A
Founder gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2023): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2022): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Leader(s) (2021): N/A
Leader gender: N/A
Staff size
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Mexico average
Global average
% Female staff
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Mexico average
Global average


Likes (2023)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Mexico average
Global average
Likes (2022)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Likes (2021)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Followers (2022)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Mexico average
Global average
Followers (2021)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Followers (2019)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Subscribers (2023)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Mexico average
Global average
Subscribers (2022)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Subscribers (2021)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Followers (2022)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas
Mexico average
Global average
Followers (2019)
Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Económicas

Data notes

Last updated: 08/06/2021
Boundary organization (find out more): Yes
Rating of data accuracy (find out more) : Authenticated
Data sources consulted: NIRA Think Tank Directory, Organisation´s website
Have we got something wrong?: Contact us to update this record. There is more information in the database, you can download it here.