Project brief
OTT Consulting delivered a communications workshop for the Peruvian Ministry of Environment and the public think tanks associated with it.
The project consists of:
- Developing a course focusing on strategic communications for research, writing for impact, using digital communications and social media, and using data and producing data visualisations.
- The data management sections involved using R and R-Suite.
Project dates
From 10/2017 to 11/2017
The OTT Consulting Team
- Enrique Mendizabal
- Erika Perez-Leon
- Gonzalo Urbina
Funder and funding
Funding is provided by the Ministry of Environment. The total value of the contract was of S/.21,600 (apron. USD6,545).
This project is managed directly by Enrique Mendizabal and does not include overhead for OTT Consulting.
Lessons Learned
- This was a good introduction to research communications for many of the participants.
- Further work needs to be carried out with each of the centres to ensure that the channels and tools presented can be adopted by them.
- Working with policy researchers from public think tanks can deliver higher returns – considering that they have a direct channel of communication with policymaking authorities.
- In terms of the workshop itself, there are lessons relating to its organisation:
- Computers are essential to practice many new communication tools – a suitable venue is necessary
- The right mix of communicators and researchers worked well. They can help each other.
- In a city like Lima with heave traffic and poor public transport, a two day residential course might be more effective than 4 or 5 sessions of 4 hours each over a few evenings.