Project brief
To become better informed about its own impact and to be able to communicate that impact to a wider audience, the Alliance commissioned OTT to undertake a small study to capture impact stories from its grantees.
The study includes the following elements:
- An impact stories framework and template to inform their collection and production.
- Up to 10 impact stories of about 1000 words, including illustrations – depending on the framework.
- The stories will be developed with a consideration for gender balance and should cover all relevant WHO regions.
- The Alliance will help to find initial contacts of people to approach for the various stories after the framework is developed.
- A synthesis briefing paper that draws lessons across the stories.
- A single report including all three outputs above.
December 2018 to March 2019
- Enrique Mendizabal
- Vera Salazar
Funder and budget
Funding is provided by the World Health Organization
Total budget is USD24,850