On Think Tank’s recent ‘State of the sector’ report sheds light on the challenges facing think tanks in today’s turbulent world. Conflict and war, climate crises, economic instability, political suppression, and myriad country-specific and regional challenges, are all conspiring to fuel general uncertainty.
This is troubling because think tanks and their ideas are badly needed and these are the very circumstances think tanks should be able to shine. Indeed, I truly believe that the world would be a better place if the best of our think tanks were listened to more: fewer conflicts, less poverty, fairer societies, and a sustainable planet. But it’s a struggle to be heard, and we are all missing out as a consequence.
The report identifies a number of competencies in need of investment, including human resources, communications, strategy, finance, and fundraising. To address these key areas of concern, think tanks will need to develop new strategic pathways to recalibrate their sometimes-traditional approaches and diversify their engagement strategies.
Despite the general uncertainty, and even in the face of pessimism and challenging landscapes, here are six ideas that could help these pathways to emerge:
1. Double down on your values and knowledge
The aim of think tanks is to make the world better and it’s crucial to reaffirm and double down on your purpose. Reinforce the ‘what’ element of your mission and underscore an unwavering commitment to your core values.
Don’t be afraid to demonstrate and exploit your knowledge ecosystem as it pertains to the issues you tackle, and to value and celebrate your ability to convene and engage major policymakers and other major players. These are key, even unique, assets that set you apart in a crowded space and are particularly important if your think tank has the time and space to focus on longer-term challenges.
2. Collaborate and partner-up
Collaboration can not only amplify output, audience reach and impact, but will also add diversity and credibility to your work. Strategic partnerships with other think tanks, academic institutions, media outlets, and other traditional partners, will enhance your reach and influence.
Seek opportunities to embed new skillsets in your team. Find creative ways to uncover solutions and boost your resources in mutually beneficial ways. A full-blown, effective, international coalition of think tanks could be significant in properly addressing global challenges, such as the climate emergency – but don’t forget it’s vital to collaborate internally and with your peer groups as well, including individual influencers and leaders in your network.
3. Move into the advocacy space
Activist, often conservative, think tanks in the US are building on successful collaborations, including with grassroots movements, and adopting campaigning techniques to drive social and policy change. The mix of lobbying and public awareness and information campaigns, combined with media and online engagement – underpinned by supportive research (albeit not always independent) – is mobilising voluntary support, additional resources, and generating serious political impact. These actions are not in the comfort zone of many think tanks but small, significant changes, for example, around evolving the language sectors use on key issues, can resonate measurably with wider audiences and shift the policy dial.
4. Communications and outreach
It is imperative that comms teams boost their limited resources by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI). From the production of blogs, press releases, and social media posts, to data analytics, there are numerous instant, inexpensive tools at our disposal that are evolving constantly. Delivering truly impressive, inexpensive content should be embraced immediately.
AI can help think tanks produce content at volume. As AI and disinformation continues to grow – in parallel and together – the information space think tanks operate in will be increasingly crowded out with fake content and if think tanks aren’t more visible, they will lose ground to others. Think tanks therefore need to fight to get their voices heard more than ever and, with some urgency, focus more on being authentic, telling human stories, and revitalising research outputs, for example, by providing policy roadmaps, simulations, and immersive outputs that resonate beyond traditional audiences.
5. Diversify funding
Diversifying your funding sources could be a game-changer. Given the concern over finances and funding in the 2023 state of the sector survey, it’s crucial to embrace the challenge.
Compelling proposals, crafted by experienced grant writers are a great starting point but there are also opportunities as new fields of research and policy arise. Technology and AI are major nascent areas of work for a number of think tanks and have brought new sources of funding particularly when the priorities and interests of funders and think tanks are so obviously aligned.
Further, the power of online fundraising platforms and crowdfunding offers fast access, full control, and transparency (among other reasons) to new sources of income.
6. Go Boldly
In times of uncertainty and threat, being timid isn’t an option. Think tanks have a crucial role to play in shaping the future. This is a moment to be bold and embrace innovation to pursue positive change, challenge the status quo, and be willing to step out of your comfort zone.
Think tanks can weather current storms and can continue to be vital pillars of informed decision-making and progress turning ideas into policy. If you have been around for a while, celebrate your track record and longevity, if you’re relatively new, celebrate your freshness.
Think tanks still play a crucial role in shaping a better future but to thrive in these uncertain times, they must double down on their values, foster collaborations, embrace advocacy and innovative communications, diversify funding sources, and boldly challenge the status quo. In doing so, they can continue to be vital pillars of informed decision-making, driving the positive change we all so badly need.
Think tanks still play a crucial role in shaping a better future but to thrive in these uncertain times, they must double down on their values, foster collaborations, embrace advocacy and innovative communications, diversify funding sources, and boldly challenge the status quo. In doing so, they can continue to be vital pillars of informed decision-making, driving the positive change we all so badly need.