Evidence generation and communication

We are committed to advancing evidence-informed decision-making on matters of public interest. This strand of our work seeks to support, build and champion individuals and organisations who generate and communicate research evidence.

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Our services

Consulting services span:

  • strategic planning
  • monitoring, evaluation and learning 
  • advisory
  • capacity strengthening
  • research
  • learning facilitation, and 
  • convening

Our experts

OTT’s work on evidence generation and communication is led by Estefanía Terán. Our associates and consultants are based in the Global South and North, and from a diverse range of cultural and disciplinary backgrounds.

Over a decade of experience: On Think Tanks

Our work on evidence generation and communication is grounded in nearly 15 years’ experience and a track record of making a difference through the On Think Tanks Programme.

Founded in 2010, today On Think Tanks is a leading global source of information, support and community for people working in, with and funding think tanks. We create a space to connect, learn and exchange knowledge, ideas and resources.

Today OTT works to support and champion evidence-informed decision-making. We take a systems approach, working with all actors in the evidence-informed policy ecosystem. Our 15 years of experience with On Think Tanks has taught us that policy research organisations are an important route into the ecosystem and for influencing change.

On Think Tanks is a public good. We always seek to share what we learn from our consulting projects back through the On Think Tanks spaces, so that more people can benefit from it.

Our efforts are currently possible thanks to partnerships with the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Mercator Stiftung, and the Robert Bosch Foundation. If you are interested in supporting the On Think Tanks initiative, get in touch.

Read more about On Think Tanks.

Our focus areas

  • Individuals: we work to build the skills of thinktankers around the world across the multiple dimensions of thinktanking – such as policy research, fundraising, communications, governance and monitoring, evaluation and learning.
  • Organisations: we work to strengthen organisational capacities in areas such as policy research, fundraising, budgeting, governance, think tank credibility, branding, impact and accountability.
  • The wider sector: we don’t just focus on think tanks. We look at other actors who work with them, such as donors, evidence users and civil society organsiations. In particular, we are interested in how local and international funders support sustainable and equitable evidence generation and communication.

Our added value

  • Convening power: We connect actors across the evidence-informed policy ecosystem. Through our global network of think tanks, funders and policy experts we are well placed to facilitate dialogue within Southern national contexts, as well as between the North and South.
  • Trusted relationships: Our long-standing relationship with key donors, universities and policy research organisations in the evidence-generation and communication field enables us to act as knowledge brokers between donors and grantees, providing valuable insights into their needs and challenges.
  • A critical eye: We’re always looking to push ourselves, our clients, and the community forward. This includes critically examining the international development system, and advocating for reform, effectiveness and learning within the sector.
  • Communications: We embed communications and engagement expertise in all our work. This supports better collaboration and use within projects, helps share knowledge with the wider field, and increases the visibility of our partners and their work.
  • A systems perspective: we take a holistic systems approach to supporting evidence-informed change, recognising that evidence-informed decision making requires a comprehensive understanding of the entire ecosystem. Read more about our Evidence Use work strand.
  • Context: we consider and analyse think tanks as part of a wider ecosystem. What is their role as members of their societies? What impact and added value are they bringing to society? Are they part of the solution to the most pressing problems of the communities to which they belong?
  • Multiple perspectives: our team and community is based and works  in the Global South and North, and from a diverse range of cultural and disciplinary backgrounds.

Recent consulting projects

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